Local Food News
Each month the Local Food News will bring you news, upcoming events, and behind-the-scenes stories from local food farms and businesses, across Northeast Indiana as we connect you to all the wonderful people and places that bring food from Our Land to Our Tables.
March 2025 Newsletter
In our March issue, we welcome Becky Landes as the newest member of the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network Board. We share news regarding the local impact of cuts to federal local food program, and resources for more information. Lettuce is featured as the Harvest of the Month at local schools, and Local Food Week 2026 dates are announced. We share information about many other upcoming programs, trainings, film screenings and funding opportunities related to local food.
February 2025 Newsletter
Our February newsletter highlights progress on our needs assessment and strategic planning, and a recap of our recent Local Food Networking event. We introduce Becky Landes, the Northeast Indiana Value Chain Coordinator at FARMWISE, share updates on the Indiana Learning Collaborative with other regional food system partners and honor Black History Month at Lyles Station. We feature February’s Harvest of the Month with winter radishes at local schools and a Make It Local recipe.
January 2025 Newsletter
In our first newsletter for 2025 we proudly introduce six new members of the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network Board of Directors, as well as new board leadership for 2025. We encourage readers to attend our Local Food Networking event, and share information about many local food-related trainings and conferences scheduled over the coming months. We share news about January’s Harvest of the Month Mystery Box, and our Make it Local recipe for hearty winter stew.
December 2024 Newsletter
We welcome Karen Petersen as the new Executive Director of the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network in our December newsletter. We encourage readers to register to attend our Local Food Networking event in January, plus news about many other regional local food related events happening this winter. We share the recommendations from Indiana Grown for Schools based on their Listening Sessions, a Farm to School podcast and local sweet potatoes featured as our Harvest of the Month.
November 2024 Newsletter
The November newsletter features a review of our Nourishing our Community with our Local Food System conference. We announce our Local Food Networking event planned for January, and share news about our participation in the Indiana Learning Collaborative to foster thriving local food systems. We highlight local carrots as November’s Harvest of the Month, as well as several upcoming local food events and opportunities.
October 2024 Newsletter
The October newsletter shares details about the upcoming Nourishing our Community with our Local Food System conference on October 29. We celebrate National Farm to School Month with thousands of students crunching local apples across the region. We request a final call for survey participation for our Local Food System Needs Assessment. We share gratitude for our regional partners and news about local food and farming events happening this Fall.
September 2024 Newsletter
Our September newsletter shares invitations to several upcoming events and opportunities for community members to share their insights and ideas with the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network. We invite those who are interested to join our Board of Directors, and encourage participation in upcoming virtual focus groups and through surveys. We share news about our upcoming Nourishing Our Community through our Local Food System event and much more.
August 2024 Newsletter
We share lots of exciting news in our August newsletter. We announce our generous grant award from the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation for our three-year capacity building initiative. We invite those who are interested to apply to join our Board of Directors. We share updates on upcoming events, local produce being served at our schools and share a photo gallery highlighting Local Food Week 2024.
July 2024 Newsletter
Our 5th Annual Local Food Week celebration is happening Friday, July 26 to Sunday, August 4. Our July newsletter highlights farm tours and local food events hosted by 40 farms, restaurants, markets and businesses across 7 Northeast Indiana counties, and the generous Local Food Week Sponsors who make this celebration possible. We recap our recent Public Engagement sessions and encourage participation in two surveys to share your experiences, ideas and values about food.
June 2024 Newsletter
The June issue of our newsletter shares event details, and encourages participation in the four Public Engagement Sessions happening June 24-27 in Kendallville, Fort Wayne, Columbia City and Bluffton. We announce the 36 farms, businesses and organizations that are hosting tours and events for the 5th Annual Local Food Week celebration. We share ways to engage with various Local Food related events and initiatives including the upcoming Follow that Food event in Fort Wayne and the Indiana Food Vision.
May 2024 Newsletter
The May issue of the newsletter invites all residents of Northeast indiana to participate in one of the Four Public Engagement Sessions hosted by the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network on June 24 - 27. We introduce our new NE Indiana Farmers Market List and urge those interested in hosting an event during Local Food Week to register by June 1oth. We share news of the Indiana Food Vision Survey and encourage all Hoosiers to share their voice in this statewide initiative. We share the latest local food news from Columbia City and much more.
April 2024 Newsletter
In our April newsletter, we launch our outreach campaign for tour and event hosts for the 5th Annual Local Food Week this summer. We introduce the Sturtz Public Management consulting team who are working closely with our Board of Directors to conduct a comprehensive Needs Assessment of the Northeast Indiana Local Food System to inform our new strategic plan this Fall. We share updates on our Farm to School progam and several upcoming events.
March 2024 Newsletter
The March issue of the newsletter introduces our new Local Food Outreach Coordinator, and two new members of our Board of Directors. We share our latest Harvest of the Month video about collards filmed at the Hunger Relief Farm in Fort Wayne, as well as an update on the March Harvest of the Month taste tests of lettuces from three local farms. We highlight the opening of the Rune Restaurant that features local and foraged ingredients on their menu.
February 2024 Newsletter
In our February newsletter we spotlight our upcoming Local Food Networking event at the Union Street Market. We announce the latest recipient of a Local Food Scholarship award and encourage other local food farmers and entrepreneurs to apply. We share news about February’s Harvest of the Month taste tests of colorful purple radishes. Finally, we celebrate the season with a story about the upcoming Indiana Maple Syrup Weekend and our Make It Local recipe features local maple syrup.
January 2024 Newsletter
With the start of the new year, our January Newsletter highlights new opportunities for collaboration for our local food community. We share news about seeking a Part-time Local Food Outreach & Event Coordinator and invite readers to attend our upcoming Local Food Networking event. We encourage applicatons for our Local Food Scholarship, release two new Harvest of the Month videos, announce the dates for Local Food Week 2024, and much more.
December 2023 Newsletter
Our December newsletter features the release of our latest Harvest of the Month video about peppers filmed at RiverRidge Farm, as well as a sad farewell to this small, but highly productive farm. We share news and photos of our Farm to School taste tests of local sweet potatoes this month and a great sweet potatoes cheesecake recipe for the holidays. We close with a comprehensive list of upcoming local food and farming conferences for you to plan to attend in 2024.
November 2023 Newsletter
In our November newsletter we share our gratitude for to all those who grow, produce, sell, serve, share and support the bounty that comes from our region’s farms. We share highlights from the recent Farm to School Summit and November’s Harvest of the Month taste tests of local pears. We celebrate the release of our latest Harvest of the Month video about tomatoes and express our thanks to the 24 local farms who shared their story and their knowledge about growing produce through our Harvest of the Month farm videos.
October 2023 Newsletter
October is National Farm to School Month. This month’s newsletter celebrates the Farm to School partners and projects of the Northeast Indiana Farm to School Team. Read about the upcoming Farm to School Summit, the latest Harvest of the Month video, about microgreens, and over 6,000 kids enjoying local apples in their classrooms. Learn about upcoming events and opportunities for those interested in expanding our local food system.
September 2023 Newsletter
As the new school year starts, our September newsletter highlights how Farm to School programs are growing across Northeast Indiana. Read stories about local produce in the cafeteria, Harvest of the Month taste tests in the classroom, videos filmed at local farms, and ways you can get involved. We share ideas for celebrating National Farm to School Month in October and registration information for the upcoming Farm to School Summit at Purdue Fort Wayne on November 14.
August 2023 Newsletter
In this August edition of our newsletter, we share news and photos from the 4th Annual Local Food Week, as well as our gratitude for all those who organized and participate in this regional local food celebration. We feature updates about Harvest of the Month taste tests and farm video being filmed about collard greens and herbs. We highlight upcoming local food-related events including the first Northeast Indiana Farm to School Summit.
July 2023 Newsletter
Our July Newsletter features details about the upcoming 2023 Local Food Week celebration. Readers are encouraged to explore the Day-by Day Event Calendar and online Companion Guide flip book to discover over 80 tours and events being hosted by 30 farms and businesses across 7 counties. We share updates about filming our latest Harvest of the Month videos about cabbage and kale, as well as the upcoming Farm Aid Festival happening in Noblesville, IN on September 23rd.
June 2023 Newsletter
The June edition of Local Food News announces the hosts who are offering tours and events during 2023 Local Food Week happening July 28 through August 6. We feature an article about Parkview’s new VeggieRx prescription produce program, that encourages participants to purchase and consume local fruits and vegetables to improve their health. We share updates about our Harvest of the Month farm video series about spinach, cucumbers and peas.
Special Edition Newsletter - Local Food Week Host Registration
With the Special Edition of our newsletter we announce the dates for the 4th Annual Local Food Week as Friday, July 28 through Sunday, August 6, 2023. We invite local food farms, markets, restaurants and organizations that grow, sell, serve and support local food in Northeast Indiana to celebrate Local Food Week by hosting special tours and local food related events.
May 2023 Newsletter
Our May Newsletter celebrates the opening of the summer farmers market season with a listing of 23 farmers markets across our region! Explore them all as you shop for a wide variety of locally grown produce, meats, baked goods and other local foods and beverage this summer. Read about how the Double Up Indiana program expands access to local produce. We share news about a Farm to School farm tour in Wells County, and farm to school videos about rhubarb, asparagus and broccoli.
April 2023 Newsletter
The April newsletter features updates about the local impact of the Farm to School programs from the Northeast Indiana Farm to School Team and the Farm to School Summit being planned for November 2023. We encourage applications to join the new Indiana Farmland Community of Practice, and celebrate the openings and anniversaries of local food businesses and the release of two new Meet Your Farmer posters.
March 2023 Newsletter
Our March newsletter celebrates the 50th Anniversary of National Nutrition Month by highlighting ways our region is promoting growing and eating a nutrient-dense, locally-sourced foods. This month’s stories include generous grant support for community gardens, two new Harvest of the Month farm videos and how our community is working together to offer taste tests of radishes and pickled beets in our schools.
February 2023 Newsletter
Our February newsletter recaps the Local Food Networking event and Savor Fort Wayne, and includes an update from Harvest of the Month, report on the value of Indiana Grown, information on CSA Week, other updates, community resources, upcoming events, and a hearty recipe using a seasonal, local foods: Microgreen Radish and Potato Soup.
January 2023 Newsletter
Our January newsletter highlights local foods in the winter: what’s available, how to find it, and how to use it. We also share upcoming networking and educational events, news from Indiana Grown Commission, the opening of a new shared-use kitchen, resources, and a hearty recipe using a variety of seasonal, local foods: Winter Minestrone.
December 2022 Newsletter
December brings the winter solstice and a time to rest, reflect, plan & dream. In the December newsletter we share details of a Local Food Networking meet-up, a reminder to apply for a Local Food Scholarship, lots of upcoming educational events, news, resources, and a scrumptious recipe using an often overlooked, humble fruit — the persimmon.
November 2022 Newsletter
In our newsletter for November, we launch our 2023 Local Food Scholarships. These annual scholarships support our local food farmers and entrepreneurs as they work to expand their capacity and acquire the expertise they need to grow their local food business. We share news on the opening of Union Street Market, highlights of the recent CSA Conference and updates on our Harvest of the Month taste tests and farm videos.
October 2022 Newsletter
As October in National Farm to School Month, much of our newsletter this month highlights our Farm to School projects from the Great Apple Crunch to our Harvest of the Month taste tests and farm videos. We share a recap of our recent Local Food Throwdown fundraiser and encourage those who are interested sharing their time and talents in service of the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network to apply to serve on our Board of Directors.
September 2022 Newsletter
In our September newsletter we announce the postponement of the 2022 Local Food Forum & Expo until Winter 2023, at a time of year when more of our region’s local food farmers and producers are able to participate. We announce the chef and mixologist line-up for the upcoming Local Food Throwdown and seek special food items and experiences for the Local Food Throwdown Silent Auction. Finally we share behind the scenes photos from our day filming our Harvest of the Month tomato video at DeCamp Gardens.
August 2022 Newsletter
The August newsletter features a preview of our upcoming 2022 Local Food Forum & Expo happening Monday, September 12 at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Readers are encouraged to participate and register to attend. Read about plans for our upcoming annual Local Food Throwdown fundraiser on Monday, September 26 and enjoy a photo gallery from our recent Local Food Week Celebration. We share news of a new weekly market at Purdue University Fort Wayne and a new Farm to School Meet Your Farmer poster.
July 2022 Newsletter - Special Edition
This Special Edition of Local Food News highlights the full lineup of farm tours and local food events happening during Local Food Week 2022 - Friday, July 29 through Sunday, August 7. Read about our 30 Local Food Week hosts who are welcoming visitors for behind the scenes experiences and the opportunity to taste unique and seasonal local foods & beverages. Learn about special youth activities being offered to teach kids about local food and healthy food choices.
June 2022 Newsletter
Our newsletter for June shares our excitement for the new Agriculture and Food Systems goals proposed for Allen County as part of the new All In Allen Comprehensive Plan. These goals will shape the future of our local food system for the next decade or more. We include a list of regional farmers markets and share updates on Local Food Week, the Local Food Forum & Expo and many other upcoming events related to local food systems.
May 2022 Newsletter
With our May newsletter we begin a new chapter for the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network as we introduce Terri Theisen as our Director of Local Food Coordination & Outreach. We encourage local food farms to host tours during Local Food Week, and we encourage everyone to mark your calendar for this and other upcoming local food events. We announce the release of our latest Harvest of the Month video filmed at Cordes Berry Farm and upcoming videos about asparagus and rhubarb. Finally we share news & a recipe about rhubarb, our May Harvest of the Month.
April 2022 Newsletter
This month’s newsletter highlights the many ways our local food community is learning new skills and new foodways as we build a resilient local food system in Northeast Indiana. We feature our 2022 Local Food Scholarship recipients and the educational and networking opportunities are pursuing. We announce registration for those who wish to host farm tours and local food events during 2022 Local Food Week and share Farm to School updates about our April Harvest of the Month (Kale) and our new Meet Your Farmer project.
March 2022 Newsletter
As Spring arrives, our March newsletter shares an update on our Farm to School programs including our Harvest of the Month taste tests of locally grown and processed picked beets. We celebrate the release of our latest Harvest of the Month farm video about carrots filmed at Berry Hill Farm. We announce the dates for our 2022 Local Food Week and the 2022 Local Food Forum & Expo. We share news about a leadership job opportunity with Partners IN Food & Farming, a unique local homestead and a new local food market & much more.
February 2022 Newsletter
We share Big News in our February newsletter about the new statewide partnership created to strengthen Indiana’s Regional Food System. We announce hiring details and the job description for a new full-time Director of Local Food Coordination and Outreach to serve a Value Chain Professional to strengthen Farm to Wholesale food supply chains across our region. We celebrate national recognition for Fort Wayne’s local food scene and we feature colorful radishes as our Farm to School Harvest of the Month.
January 2022 Newsletter
Winter is the time when farmers, gardeners, marketers and eaters come together, in-person or virtually, to plan, learn and network. We prepare for the coming growing season and summer markets, and how we can build a more equitable, sustainable and resilient food system. Our January issue features a listing of upcoming food and farming events & trainings across the region. We welcome five new Board member, and share news about our young organization. We highlight our Harvest of the Month program where this month over 5,000 students tasted salad greens from local farms.
December 2021 Newsletter
December is a time for both reflection and anticipation. In our year-end issue of Local Food News we look back at how both our local food community and the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network grew this year and what is in store for 2022. We share updates on our Farm to School Harvest of the Month with videos, taste tests and recipes all about carrots. Finally, we encourage applications for our Local Food Scholarship and say good bye to board members who have served us well.
November 2021 Newsletter
Our November issue of the Local Food News highlights the many ways local food and gratitude are entwined. Watch a video recording from our recent Local Food Forum and take a survey to help us plan our 2022 events. Read how you can apply for a 2022 Local Food Scholarship or apply to serve on the Local Food Network Board of Directors. Learn about an art exhibit featuring paintings of local farms, how to make delicious pie from fresh local pumpkins, and how you can show your support for the Local Food Network on Giving Tuesday.
October 2021 Newsletter
October is National Farm to School Month and this edition of Local Food News shares the release of our Northeast Indiana Farm to School Team video highlighting projects in our region. Read about and see photos from our recent Local Food Week activities including the Local Food Forum & Expo, and from our first Local Food Throwdown fundraiser. Learn about upcoming grant opportunities for local food farmers & entrepreneurs, as well as an important survey from the Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition.
September 2021 Newsletter - Special Edition
This Special Edition of Local Food News shares details of all the upcoming local food events you don’t want to miss, including 22 different Local Food Week events happening September 17-26, the Local Food Forum & Expo at Purdue University Fort Wayne on Monday, September 20 and our inaugural Local Food Throwdown fundraiser on October 4! Make your reservations today to join us as we learn, explore, connect, and enjoy great local food and raise needed funds together. Please Join Us!
August 2021 Newsletter
Read all about our 2nd annual Local Food Week celebration is coming to farms, markets and restaurants all across Northeast Indiana from September 17th-26th. This year’s event includes our 6th annual Northeast Indiana Local Food Forum & Expo at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Learn about our plans for this valuable educational & networking event and how you can register to participate as an attendee or an exhibitor.
July 2021 Newsletter
Learn how our Farm to School programs across Northeast Indiana will expand in the next two years thanks to a USDA Farm to School Grant. See our new Harvest of the Month Strawberry video and read about the upcoming blackberry video. Sign up to host a local food event or farm tour during Local Food Week in September.
June 2021 Newsletter
Meet our two new staff members, Local Food Coordinator, Noel Deehr and Community Engagement Coordinator, Molly Conner. Learn about our latest Farm to School Harvest of the Month video project at BroxonBerry and try our recipe for an easy Summer Berry Galette! Read about the new Union Street Market at Electric Works coming in Fall 2022.
May 2021 Newsletter
Save the Date for the 6th annual Local Food Forum & Expo now part of our 2nd annual Local Food Week celebration happening September 17-26. Learn about two new businesses in our local food community and a new book from Ken Meter that highlights our own Northeast Indiana local food system. Explore our full listing of regional farmers markets so you can shop for local ingredients for our Springtime Pizza recipe.
April 2021 Newsletter
Read the exciting news about our Local Food Coordinator job opening thanks to a generous grant award from Indiana Grown! Meet the farmers at The City and Field Co. and our 2021 Local Food Scholarship recipients. Learn the local story behind a new apple. Enjoy the re-launch of our e-newsletter thanks to Amber Bouthot, our new social media and communications coordinator.