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Local Food Farms, Farmers Markets, Stores, Artisan Producers, & More
The Shop Local section of our Local Food Guide lists businesses located within the 11 counties of Northeast Indiana that sell locally produced food and artisan food & beverage products made with local ingredients sourced from Northeast Indiana farms. Refer to our Local Food Definitions for meanings of some terms.
for example: rhubarb, beef, Wabash, market, CSA, WIC, organic, curbside pickup
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Adams County
das Märit Farmers and Artists Market is a not-for-profit ministry of the First Mennonite Church in Berne, IN. It is located at the intersection of US 27 and SR 218 directly across from the Muensterberg Clock Tower. Quality craft, seasonal produce and plants and delicious baked goods are available.
Fruited Plain Seeds is a OEFFA Certified Organic food grade grain cleaning facility to the organic food industry. Although we do not certify as organic our premium quality meats and produce, we strive to use sustainable and natural production methods in order to produce clean, fresh, non-GMO, wholesome food at reasonable prices. We only sell our food products locally.
Allen County
We are primarily a u-pick flower farm on the city's Southwest side, but our customers frequently seek us out to top off their grocery list each week. Our passion is in offering a unique assortment with unbeatable flavor or quality - uncommon varieties you may not see at the grocery and that you have to taste to believe! We grow sustainably, working to enrich the soil as it would be in nature, versus reengineering it. Our fertilizer is organic, we do not use any pest or weed management sprays, and our produce is hand tended, picked and processed.
Our family farm has been producing high quality meats for more than 180 years. We raise pasture raised beef, pork, chickens and turkeys. We do not use any GMOS, anti-biotics, or growth hormones!
Our all natural methods keep our animals happy and healthy to ensure maximum nutrition!
Our microgreens are cultivated indoors in a controlled, sterile environment using organic practices. On our farm, we apply the same organic principles with a permaculture mindset, prioritizing sustainability and soil health. We compost and repurpose the coconut coir from our microgreen operation to enrich our farm’s soil.
Pequash Farms is a small, urban market garden located in northwest Indiana, just outside of Fort Wayne. We provide wholesome, natural, and locally grown produce to nearby families and restaurants.
C’s Itty Bitty Greens is a small microgreen farm in Leo In, and have been growing microgreens and wheat grass since 2021. Cheryl established her business in 2023 and currently runs home deliveries, health food stores and/or restaurants. She has set up classes on how to grow through Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation and also sell kits for growing your own microgreens at home. Cheryl is passionate about getting whole foods to everyone!
With a local focus, Leo-Cedarville Farmers Market vendors come from within a 50 mile radius and most goods are grown, raised, or crafted by our vendors. You'll also find FREE, fun activities for kids on the first Thursday of each month along with food trucks and live entertainment every Thursday May-August.
DeKalb County
We are a regenerative farm in Auburn, IN. We follow organic practices and don’t use any chemicals on our farm. We also do not give antibiotics or vaccines to our animals. We grow pasture raised grass fed and finished beef, pasture raised corn and soy free fed hogs, pasture raised corn and soy free chicken, and pasture raised corn and soy free chicken eggs.
We are a small 5th generation family farm that brings you quality proteins from our pastures to your plate. We offer pasture raised eggs, grass fed and finished beef, grass and grain fed beef (only in 2024), forest raised pork, and pasture raised whole chickens along with a variety of seasonal produce.
Azzitshudbe Farm is a small family-owned and operated farm in DeKalb County that pastures our animals, working with nature...Azzitshudbe. We are fifth generation DeKalb farmers, second generation on this farm. We believe in working with nature to raise food for our family and for yours, too!
Raw Unfiltered Wildflower Honey. Our honey is produced from the nectar of 18 wildflower varieties all native to Indiana Harvesting, extracting and bottling activities take place at our honey farm located in Auburn, Indiana.
Huntington County
Our mission is to promote healthy eating with homegrown fruits and vegetables. Other vendors in our market love to bake and make unique items that can only be found at the market.
Kosciusko County
We began our journey into farming in 2014, starting with rare breed chickens, turkeys, ducks, and exotic pheasants (peacocks). After extensive research, we decided to make our way into raising KuneKune pigs in 2018. We began with three, eight-week-old gilts. We loved them so much that we then decided to get a breeder pair. We’re now Exclusive Members of AKKPS (American KuneKune Pig Society). We are also very active with the EKPA (Empire KuneKune Pig Association).
We are a family farm that raises chickens, sheep, and beef for meat - all pasture raised! Our mission is to provide our community with the healthiest, highest quality and best-tasting food, using only wholesome, naturally slow, humane methods of raising our products that respect the earth, the environment and the health of our customers while providing a framework that supports our family’s values.
Hill N Dale farm raises a 100% grass fed and finished Red Devon beef, non-GMO Red Wattle pork, pastured chicken and turkey. We also grow an open pollinated 'Blue Clarage' corn which is sold as corn meal. Farm tours by appointment.
Creation Celebration is committed to selling the best quality fruits and vegetables we possibly can. All the produce we sell has been raised on our farm so we are truly able to stand behind our products and share with anyone interested in our growing practices. We love to have people visit and give them a tour or our property.
Hepler's Farm Market offers a wide variety of fresh, local produce including seasonal fruits and vegetables, honey, maple syrup, jams, jellies, salsas, canned beets, pickles, and Amish baked goods. Convenient roadside access, fast and friendly service.
The Syracuse Parks & Recreation Department welcomes vendors and shoppers to the Artisans & Farmers Market! Founded in 2009, the Market has established itself as a viable outlet for local artisans and farmers to display and sell their wares. Beautiful displays of locally grown produce, flowers, baked goods and artisan items outline the park to create a diverse community shopping experience.
LaGrange County
Soil Shepherd Farm is a small farmer-owned and operated farm that specializes in nutrient-dense mixed vegetables, pastured eggs, and pastured whole chickens. We offer a Farmers Choice seasonal vegetable CSA, a pastured chicken CSA, pastured eggs, vegetable and herb starts, cut flowers, and more. We use "beyond organic" growing practices.
We sell all natural, grass-fed beef with no added hormones, antibiotics or other unnecessary additives. Our cattle are moved daily (rotational grazing) in order to keep them from over grazing any one area of the land.
Countryside Produce is a co-op of local Amish growers who are committed to raising high quality produce. All our co-op growers farm biologically by building up our soils using compost and cover crops. We are committed to farming chemical-free as we care about what our customers eat.
Gunthorp Farms raises pigs, chickens, turkeys, & ducks all on certified-organic pasture without the use of antibiotics. We have a USDA-inspected meat processing plant on the farm where we do all of our own slaughter, processing, and packaging before selling to restaurants, retailers, and most recently, individuals as well.
Noble County
Greener Pastures raises grass-fed and grass-finished lamb and beef. Our focus is on the sheep raising cross-bred hair sheep. (Katahdin, Saint Croix, Dorper Cross). With rotational grazing, our animals get all the grass they can eat during summer months, and all the hay they want during the winter.
Our meats are locally processed by a licensed butcher, USDA inspected, and packaged for resale. We have packaged freezer lamb and beef cuts available, with whole, half, or quarter meat available as production and butcher’s schedule allows.
Fashion Farm is a family owned business proudly serving the community since 1960. Our Pumpkin Fantasyland is open the whole month of October, and we offer hay wagon rides, mazes and more. Our Countryscapes & Gardens offers hardy perennials, annuals and vegetable starts April through October. Our restaurant and full service floral shop are open year round.
This 50 acre farm experience is filled with a day full of fun and adventure. Come on out and pick your own pumpkin out of the patch, explore the corn maze, see the goats, and just enjoy some fall family fun on the farm!
Our "Veggie Bin" Farm Store is set among our organic gardens in the rolling hills of Noble County. It's our mission to show you exactly where the food on your table comes from. Most all seasonal vegetables and herbs, farm fresh eggs, microgreens, dry soup beans, heirloom cornmeal, popcorn, dried herbs, local honey, grape jelly and more are offered.
Maple Acres is a maple syrup producer located in southeastern Noble County near Chain-o-Lakes State Park. We have about 2000 trees in production making roughly 500 +/- gallons of syrup per season. We are members of Indiana Grown, Indiana Maple Syrup Association and Indiana Market Maker.
At Fry Farms Co-op, we provide free-range chicken, duck, and turkey, pastured pork, and 100% grass fed and finished beef. The Frys truly are committed to and passionate about providing outstanding, nourishing foods to families in our area! Farm visits and questions about farming practices are certainly welcomed!
Steuben County
Bidlack Family Farm is a small growing family farm. We raise grass fed beef, non GMO fed pigs, organically fed chickens, Boer goats, and hay.
Dalrymple Farm Honey is created from about 300 hives scattered throughout Steuben County. The honey they sell is all natural, raw and unfiltered, and they also offer blended, flavored and creamed honey. In addition to their honey products, the Dalrymples sell a variety of produce in season.
Steuben County Farmers Market features a wide variety local in-season produce, crafts, goat milk lotions and soaps, and unique items not found anywhere else in Northeast Indiana. We are nestled in Lake country and here to serve the community.
Wabash County
We are a small, two family owned farm living to glorify God and connect with local community through our homesteading journey. We offer produce, herbs, eggs and meat at our farm stand south of Wabash. We value the opportunity to reach out to others and share not only our bountiful harvests, but also our experiences along the way!
Homemade & Homegrown for the 13th Season! Wabash Farmers’ Market will host an array of free entertainment while market goers shop a plethora of fresh produce, artist wares, handmade soaps, honey, baked goods, handmade furniture and so much more.
The North Manchester Farmers Market is a vendor-run farmers market. We serve Wabash County and the surrounding counties with fresh locally grown produce, homemade goodies, & hand crafted items.
Bolinger Family Farm is a 80 acre farm located 1.5 miles north of North Manchester. The farm has been in the family for over 50 years and currently is focused on raising livestock to feed our family and our local community. Our primary product for retail is beef but we also have lamb, pork, eggs, and maple syrup.
Hufford Family Dairy is where forages are harvested, calves are born and raised, cows are cared for and milked, and cheese is cultured and aged. This is our vision of maintaining our legacy of stewardship of the land, husbandry of livestock, and production of “Farm to Table” dairy products.
Wholesome food for wellness minded people. Currently we farm two acres of blueberries and one acre of vegetables including three high tunnels for winter production. We use no chemical weed killers or any other toxic materials. We have found great fulfillment in bringing good food to people who appreciate it.
Wells County
Simply Clean Microgreens is your go-to for high-quality, freshly-harvested microgreens from our family to yours. Where your microgreens are grown fresh to order!
We are an intensive Certified Naturally Grown farm on just .4 acre, producing food from March through December with the use of three caterpillar tunnels. Our focus is on roots and greens, primarily various lettuce offerings.
With a heart for people and a focus on providing a variety of locally raised choices. Hoosier Creek Farms LLC offers pasture raised 100% grass-fed beef, grain-fed beef, pork and poultry.
The Parlor City Market is brought to our community by the downtown revitalization group, Bluffton NOW!. Our goal is to bring to you an array of items from fresh fruits, vegetables, plants, herbs, preserves, baked goods, crafts, lotions, soaps, boutique items, and homemade or artisan items. Each week there will be entertainment and activities for people to enjoy.
Wholesome Meadows Farm uses organic practices on our farm. We do not use pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers on our produce. Our 500 hens are out on pasture, and moved to new pasture every day as the season permits.
Whitley County
Adlock Farms was established in 2004 by Joe and Sarah Lopez with the purchase of four Black Angus cows. A decade later, they took a significant step forward by traveling to Pennsylvania to purchase their first Red Devon bull, aiming to enhance the genetics of their herd to support their growing freezer beef business.
Livengood Homegrown Farm grows produce in an environmentally friendly way by applying natural farming techniques and practices. Look for us at the farmers markets in Roanoke, Huntington and the Whitley County Farmers Market in Columbia City.
Small destination farm that offers educational tours, livestock, goat pasture for visitors, poultry, fresh eggs, rabbits and a very spoiled horse. We have picnic grounds, patios, beer garden, and an Air BNB for our guests. The farm will also be the future site for E Brewing Co, the first farmhouse brewery in Whitley County opening Fall of 2022
We raise bees. We use organic practices but are not certified. We sell honey, beeswax candles, balms and soaps. We founded Filler Family Apiary out of a pure passion for bees. Our goals, ambitions, and inspirations have come together to form a truly amazing company that we are proud of.
At Rowdy Rooster we produce artisan style charcuterie and salami. We have a passion for the old world preparation of local, responsibly raised, heritage breeds of pork. Our production facility is located in Churubusco, Indiana.
At Giving Gardens of Indiana we adhere to organic growing practices to keep the health of our soil, plants, people and community. We are Whitley County's first Urban Farm/Market Garden and also an Educational Farm/Market Garden that teaches the youth and our community how to grow healthy, happy plants for a healthy, happy community!