Date & time: Tuesday, August 1 – 9:00am to 2:00pm
Cost: Free, but registration is required. Email Kelli Kreider at to reserve your time to tour the greenhouse.
About this Event
Come see the Ivy Tech Fort Wayne Agriculture Program’s fully automated 3,000 square foot greenhouse on campus! The campus greenhouse was built Spring 2018. The “Ivy Urban Farm” was founded in Summer 2021, and our Agriculture Program students began offering fresh produce at the YLNI Farmers Market on Barr Street that summer.
Come learn how hydroponic and aquaponic growing systems can grow fresh produce all year-round. Guided Tours of our facilities will include our large indoor growing space that includes a variety of hydroponic growing equipment and technology; an aquaculture system, and learning spaces. Resources about our learning programs, certificate programs and degrees offered by the Agriculture Program at Ivy Tech will also be available.
For more information, please email Kelli Kreider at or call her at (260) 482-9171
Travel Tip: Ivy Urban Farm Greenhouse is located right across the street from Canterbury Green Apartments on St. Joe Rd. Entrances to the parking lot are located off of Dean Drive and Meeks Drive.
About Ivy Tech Agriculture Program
Visit the Ivy Tech Agriculture Program website to learn more.
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