Grow Your Own Food Forest: Learn How to Grow Large Amounts of Food in Small Plots
Date & time:
Sunday, August 4 – 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Pre-Registration required.
Register by texting your name and # of people attending to (260)530-6812
Event details:
We are excited to show people how we grow such a big amount of food on such a small plot of land. Kids are definitely welcome to check out the chickens and play with our kids.
Grab your hats and boots and a pen and paper to jot down information that can help you grow your own food forest. On the farm tour, you will learn how we do things from start to finish, the tools we use and how easy it is to implement them into your own garden. We will guide you through how we manage weeds and pests with practices and tools that are locally available for any backyard gardeners & homesteaders, with no synthetic inputs.
For more information email Broxonberry@gmail.com.
Travel Tip:
Make your way to Wells County 700 North and look for the yellow house with a big red barn and the huge garden!
BroxonBerry is a small intensive market garden farm that was started back in 2016 with strawberries. Since then we have expanded our crop profile to many different types of fruits and veggies, mainly lettuce and root crops. We intensively grow on a half-acre and have 3 tunnels to start our season early and to extend into the winter months. We are a Certified Naturally Grown farm so we do not use any harmful herbicides or pesticides so we can produce the healthiest fruits and veggies for ourselves, the environment and you. We have a flock of chickens for producing eggs and making amazing compost for our farm. We like to say, " we grow soil, and the soil grows our plants".
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