We practice growing our fruits and vegetables naturally. Our beef, pork, and chicken is raised naturally with nothing added to the meat. All of our animals are free range including our layer chickens, beef, pork, and broiler chickens.
Read MoreOur mission is to bring excellent quality; locally processed meats to our family of customers. Having your meat processed the right way can make all the difference. From field to table, Beechy’s Custom Meat Processing offers a variety of services. It’s our goal to ensure you get the most out of your meat.
We are a regenerative farm in Auburn, IN. We follow organic practices and don’t use any chemicals on our farm. We also do not give antibiotics or vaccines to our animals. We grow pasture raised grass fed and finished beef, pasture raised corn and soy free fed hogs, pasture raised corn and soy free chicken, and pasture raised corn and soy free chicken eggs.
Read MoreWe are primarily a u-pick flower farm on the city's Southwest side, but our customers frequently seek us out to top off their grocery list each week. Our passion is in offering a unique assortment with unbeatable flavor or quality - uncommon varieties you may not see at the grocery and that you have to taste to believe! We grow sustainably, working to enrich the soil as it would be in nature, versus reengineering it. Our fertilizer is organic, we do not use any pest or weed management sprays, and our produce is hand tended, picked and processed.
Read MoreOur microgreens are cultivated indoors in a controlled, sterile environment using organic practices. On our farm, we apply the same organic principles with a permaculture mindset, prioritizing sustainability and soil health. We compost and repurpose the coconut coir from our microgreen operation to enrich our farm’s soil.
Read MoreFarmer Charlie’s Legacy is looking forward to continuing Farmer Charlie’s commitment to the community by Growing and Supplying affordable locally grown produce to everyone.
Read MoreWe began our journey into farming in 2014, starting with rare breed chickens, turkeys, ducks, and exotic pheasants (peacocks). After extensive research, we decided to make our way into raising KuneKune pigs in 2018. We began with three, eight-week-old gilts. We loved them so much that we then decided to get a breeder pair. We’re now Exclusive Members of AKKPS (American KuneKune Pig Society). We are also very active with the EKPA (Empire KuneKune Pig Association).
Read MoreOur 100% grass-fed beef has no chemicals, growth hormones or vaccines. Raised with Regenerative Farming Methods. Our pasture raised organically fed chickens are moved to fresh grass daily.
If you are looking to taste from a different harvest each week and love enjoying from scratch, homemade foods and handmade textiles for your home, you’ll love what Fresh Living Farms has to offer! We carefully handpick each fruit and vegetable, fragrance, flower, and textile, so you can be sure you’re buying only the best quality.
Read MoreSmall destination farm that offers educational tours, livestock, goat pasture for visitors, poultry, fresh eggs, rabbits and a very spoiled horse. We have picnic grounds, patios, beer garden, and an Air BNB for our guests. The farm will also be the future site for E Brewing Co, the first farmhouse brewery in Whitley County opening Fall of 2022
Read MoreWe raise bees. We use organic practices but are not certified. We sell honey, beeswax candles, balms and soaps. We founded Filler Family Apiary out of a pure passion for bees. Our goals, ambitions, and inspirations have come together to form a truly amazing company that we are proud of.
Read MoreWe are a small, family-owned, biodiverse farm in southwest Fort Wayne. Our focus is on building living, healthy soils through no till-practices, permaculture, and crop diversity while serving our community. We offer a diverse vegetable and flower CSA and hope to integrate fruit production in the future. Though not certified, we use organic practices, avoiding conventional pesticides or herbicides.
Read MoreWe are a family farm that raises chickens, sheep, and beef for meat - all pasture raised! Our mission is to provide our community with the healthiest, highest quality and best-tasting food, using only wholesome, naturally slow, humane methods of raising our products that respect the earth, the environment and the health of our customers while providing a framework that supports our family’s values.
Read MoreA ten-acre education and business incubator farm, Rose Avenue Farmers grow a wide variety of culturally specific vegetables and also vegetables that you would expect to see at an American farmer's market. Our policy is that the farmers must use practices that are approved for organic farms.
Read MoreVisit our small farm in Decatur, Indiana to pet the goats and feed the emus.
Read MoreHill N Dale farm raises a 100% grass fed and finished Red Devon beef, non-GMO Red Wattle pork, pastured chicken and turkey. We also grow an open pollinated 'Blue Clarage' corn which is sold as corn meal. Farm tours by appointment.
Read MoreThe Process is a Farmers Market store featuring Fort Wayne's favorite farmers market vendors 6 days a week, including seasonal produce and fruits that are all locally grown.
We stock local honey, syrup, breads, flours, baking mixes, meat, produce, fermented foods, pickled foods, and loose leaf tea.
Read MoreI grow nutritious and tasty microgreens to order using only the best seed and organic practices. Greens are harvested, packed, and delivered within hours. These greens are great in a salad on their own, or added to your regular meals to ensure you are getting the vitamins and minerals that you need on a daily basis.
Read MoreMaple Acres is a maple syrup producer located in southeastern Noble County near Chain-o-Lakes State Park. We have about 2000 trees in production making roughly 500 +/- gallons of syrup per season. We are members of Indiana Grown, Indiana Maple Syrup Association and Indiana Market Maker.
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